Understand, manage, and stop your dog's reactivity and aggression!

I have spent over a decade studying dog behavior, specifically aggression and reactivity. My unique approach to training humans first has broken down walls within the dog training industry. My success rate of overcoming dog reactivity with dogs globally is high because I focus on you, the dog owner. I've put every successful step, technique, tool, and exercise into this easy-to-follow and in-depth course to help you improve your dog's reactivity and aggression.

Reactivity vs. Aggression

There is a big difference between reactivity and aggression. Understanding whether your dog is reactive or aggressive is an essential step in addressing their behavior and, ultimately, the outcome of your training.

Techniques & Tools

Many dog owners waste time and money with certain training techniques that do not yield results. In this course, you will see real reactive and aggressive dogs and Tom's specific techniques to address their behavior.

Tools can lend a big hand in training your dog, but they can also negatively affect a dog's behavior. It is extremely important to understand how to effectively and properly use tools with your dog.

Building a Better Relationship

Finding the root cause of your dog's reactivity or aggressive behavior will allow you to open up new doors with your dog. Often, I find that a dog's aggressive behavior stems from a lack of connection and understanding. By improving your dog's behavior, you will also strengthen your relationship.


Real reactive dogs

REAL results.

In this course, I break down some of my most severe cases in real-time to help you better understand every moment that makes a dog reactive. You will also get the exact methods and techniques that helped these go from reactive to neutral.